Friday, February 20, 2015

I wasn't sure if these had been posted/pointed out before.

Eric Norred wrote:

I wasn't sure if these had been posted/pointed out before.
From "The People that Time Forgot" (1977).


  1. Well I'll be damned.. I guess someone needs to track down Tom Wham and ask him if he had that film in mind when he did the Skull Mountain illustration in Holmes Basic!

  2. Well, imdb has the film listed as being released in the US in July of '77. I'm not sure when in '77 the very first printing of Holmes was released, but even if it was summer or autumn I'd imagine it not possible as the art would have had to have been complete some time before publication and distribution. How much time, I've no idea.

  3. There seem to be quite a number of posters for the film, including one that features the skull mountain city in it's art. I suppose it's possible such a poster could have been seen at least two months before the film's release, but that only puts us back to about May of '77.

  4. I still say it's the Phantom's Skull Cave. ;-)

  5. Thanks Eric Norred, I hadn't seen it before. July '77 is actually the same as the earliest known date for the sale of Holmes Rulebook, at Origins. So this would only be a possible inspiration if it was in an earlier promo picture or poster, like you suggested.

  6. Wow, I haven't watched this movie in a long time.  I don't even remember the skull cave.

  7. Unrelated to whether the film's promo posters inspired Tom Wham, if I ever run a Skull Mountain dungeon adventure I am totally using that screen shot from the film as a player handout and the cover for my DM's dungeon binder: )
