Thursday, February 26, 2015

Small but detailed advertisement by David Trampier for the MonsterManual, now on sale at the Dungeon Hobby Shop.

Small but detailed advertisement by David Trampier for the Monster Manual, now on sale at the Dungeon Hobby Shop. Note the 'wyrm' has six legs. From the bottom of page 14 of Dragon #12, Feb 1978. This same issue has an advertisement for Holmes Basic and the Lovecraftian Mythos article by Holmes and Kuntz.


  1. Pretty cool find!  Anyone know the story with that address?  I always thought the Dungeon Hobby Shop was on Main St.  Just curious.

  2. Interesting - the wyrm's head looks a lot like those of the intertwining serpents from the second printing of B2...further evidence that the latter was likely illustrated by Trampier.
