Thursday, January 29, 2015

Well folks, just bought my pass to this year's Gary Con in Lake Geneva, WI (runs 26-29 March).

Well folks, just bought my pass to this year's Gary Con in Lake Geneva, WI (runs 26-29 March). I went three years ago, and it was a great time. Anyone else from the group going? Would be cool to meet some of y'all in person : )

PS. Posting this to several of the old school gaming groups I belong to on G+, so you may see this a few times..


  1. I'd love to make plans to go to this or even the North Texas con, but I'm still a slave to my skinny pocketbook - and the job that ensures that I stay that way! :P

  2. Robert Weber, sounds like we need to send a well-armed, highly trained extraction team your way ; )

  3. I'll be there Andy, not until Friday though.  I only live a couple hours from Lake Geneva so there's no excuse for me not going.
