Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Back Cover of Holmes' FRPG book

Dr. Holmes contemplates as a tiny creatures battle on his desk. From the back cover of Hippocrene's USA printing of Holmes' Role Playing Games. I'll see if I can remove the library sticker without destroying the dust jacket.


  1. I can do that... but I want to know which books are on his shelf. :)

  2. D'oh... that sticker is not coming off. I'll have to Photoshop later unless anyone else wants to take a stab at it.

  3. Aha! Too bad his copy has a tear right in the same spot as the sticker on Tony's. But I'm sure we'll eventually get a pristine scan. : )

  4. BTW, I believe the wizard mini in the foreground is the same as in the photo on page 171, "Alkarzotz the sorcerer", indicated as Ral Partha. I think it is Ral Partha's first mini, RP-01-001, Evil Wizard casting spell.


  5. The figure just to the left of the wizard may be Ral Partha's 02-073 "Giant Goblin with Spear." It looks like it is crouching and holding a large shield.
