Monday, July 7, 2014

Is anyone aware of an attempt at re-doing the typeset of the Holmes edition?

Is anyone aware of an attempt at re-doing the typeset of the Holmes edition? I dig reading this stuff from time to time, but as far as the actual book goes, the typesetting makes my OCD-ness cringe.


  1. By typeset, you mean that you don't like the font Futura?

  2. the font is OK, just the general page layout and format of it is painful to look at.

  3. I see. I think some folks have done work like that for personal use, but I don't know of anything generally available. I view it through a historical lens so I see the layout/font etc as part-and-parcel of the product.

  4. On a similar note, I'd love to see a fan release of the D&D Cyclopedia with all the best art from the BECMI boxed sets.

  5. Oxide, that shouldn't be too hard to do if you use editing software you can make one for personal use by altering the PDF.

  6. Michael Pace would you need Acrobat?
