Monday, June 2, 2014

Holmesians! I'd like your thoughts on these notes about integrating some more Greyhawk material into Holmes D&D.

Holmesians! I'd like your thoughts on these notes about integrating some more Greyhawk material into Holmes D&D.


  1. I don't know that I'd want to get that much from Str.  It's fairly likely you'll get the bonus with the 2 for 1 stat trades.  I might have it match dex with a +1 or  -1 to hit & damage for melee, the fighters really do need something.  The way weapon speeds work I throw out, it's beyond bad, variable weapon damage isn't a bad idea there.  Hobbitses, I'm not so sure on, Human thieves need something if you give all that to the Hobbitses.

  2. Richard Pilliard I appreciate the feedback.

    On Strength - it's worth thinking about, I'll fiddle with it. I do like simplicity; I may take it down to the +1/+2 to hit and leave damage bonuses out.

    On Thieves - I know that the original Holmes print did not have Climb Walls but subsequent versions did. Maybe I can give Climb Walls only to human Thieves, as a consolation prize? In AD&D hobbit thieves suck at it as their compensation.

    I also throw out weapon speeds in Holmes.

  3. Hm. I suppose part of the question is what parts of Holmes you decide not to keep (as in the linked discussion, where ditching the polearm attacks every other round thing is mentioned). For strength, back in the day we always misplayed it as a bonus to both hit and damage. If keeping the d6 damage die, I like high STR giving either a +1 or +2 to damage only; that way it neatly balances out default magic weapons only giving a bonus to hit.
    Weapon speeds were always a pain in the rear, so I'd avoid them like the plague.
    Variable damage.. hm, I'm on the fence there. On the one hand having monsters use a D8 HD and have variable damage gives them an edge over PCs; on the other hand, that added deadliness factor does add to the danger and give things a more lethal, classic sword & sorcery feel which is a vibe I get from the Holmes rules in general.

  4. I'm just now getting around to reading old post notifications in my email, and although I'd like to comment something meaningful here, I'll have to take it home & read it first, and (hopefully) remember to comment on it in the next day or two. FWIW, I've been working on a Holmes/0e/Greyhawk set of houserules for a few years, and these options are covered in it. :)
