Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Herman Klang wrote:

It think I turned the Holmes sample dungeon into a negadungeon by accident.


  1. I like the sound of a "negadungeon."

  2. That's a new one to me. I like the term Terradungeon for the ones like Holmes' that reach to the Earth's core. Plus it sounds like Terrordungeon

  3. I've heard it recently, I think it means a TPK dungeon - but not in a good way, so it can't apply to Holmes! ;-)

  4. I don't think it necessitates a TPK, but it is certainly a Big Mistake.

    I enjoyed this post on the topic. rottenpulp.blogspot.com.au - Negadungeon

  5. Zach H A negadungeon is a dungeon that is a mistake to go into There is a really good old blog post about it here.http://rottenpulp.blogspot.com/2013/03/negadungeon.html
    rottenpulp.blogspot.com - Negadungeon

  6. Hows about a negan dungeon, where ppl chase you with bat's.

  7. My dungeon hasn't killed anyone.

    But in Dnd I think curses and consequences can be much worse than death.

    I really doubled down on the Goodman Brown ideas I had from my rumor table and the idea from Zach H's rumor table that the people of portowne do not want you to go down there (I am not blaming zach for any of this).

    So, I made the dungeon have things in it that large swaths of the population of Portown want to hide/protect. That way when the party loots the dungeon they make the residents of Portown angry. It's a kind of curse in a way. One that can't be solved with a spell

    Then I really played up the flying knife. The party enjoyed it. But that trap is a good way to humble even high level parties. It seems like a treasure so you don't want to just dispel magic on it but it won't cooperate.

    THen there was the actual curse. I had a dwarf that had gone mad because he tried to gain too many levels (this is a special issue of mine. I blog about it)

    Anyway I had decided if a dwarf killed this dwarf he would become an OD&D dwarf and have level limits based on some reasoning consistent with my campaigns cosmology.

    I thought no way would a dwarf kill this poor dwarf and take his armor (donning the armor is what would activate the curse). This dwarf PC has all sorts of non standard classes and he can't advance in any of them except for fighting man and thief or he'll go insane. If I had killed him he could just get raised. This is much worse.

    Sometimes the party seems demoralized. But a little bit later they seem even more motivated to "beat" the dungeon.

    I did not set it out to be that way. from my perspective I am just seriously thinking about what the consequences of the Pc's actions are on the setting.

    The thing is the pcs are going around looting and killing so the consequences they get from that can be not always good.

    Also yes I think the dungeon does go to the core of the earth probably assuming there is a core. I am not sure yet.

  8. I am not complaining. I am having the time of my life.
