Saturday, January 23, 2016

Would there be any interest in me running and you playing a #Flailsnails Temple of Elemental Evil campaign via G+...

Originally shared by Joe D (Joethelawyer)

Would there be any interest in me running and you playing a #Flailsnails  Temple of Elemental Evil campaign via G+ where you would play characters aligned with the Temple?  Basically you'd be playing the bad guys, starting out as river rats in Nulb, working your way up through the hierarchy.  You'd try to gain power and privilege within the ranks while defending yourself from your backstabbing evil competitors, as well as defending the Temple from the occasional B&E by those assholes from Hommlet.  You might also go on missions outside the Temple that I would make up.  Perhaps assassination, raiding and looting, mini dungeon crawls, espionage, reconnaissance, sabotage, terrorism, etc.  Anything to further the power of the Temple and your own careers.  AD&D based game.  Likely a fixed time---I'm thinking three hour sessions, on alternating Saturday afternoons before Shawn Sanford 's games.  I'd change enough of the module around so that even people who played it lots of times will not have any firm idea of who is who, so as to make it unpredictable.  

Just a heads up though---while it will be an "evil" game, I'm not looking for players who want to act out some extreme sort of deviant fantasies.  I tried running a campaign in a world where morals did not exist, and it got really weird with one player.   There will be no roleplaying of killing babies, raping, ritual sacrifices, etc.  I'm not going full on James Raggi/LOTFP here.  Most of the evil I see you doing is against your own supposed "allies" in an effort to stay alive.  It's a kill or be killed kinda place.  Also, you'll be defending against and taking out your avowed enemies, like  paladins, rangers and clerics of gods opposed to yours.  We're won't be focusing on spilling the blood of innocents--though sometimes that may happen, it will not be what drives the game.  

I see this as a campaign, rather than a dungeon crawl.  That way people like Chris H  who like long standing campaigns in a setting where they can develop relationships, etc can have fun, while players in the Flailsnails 'verse can drop in from time to time for some ass kicking and xp if they want.  Obviously not a place to play your paladin or ranger or other goody-two-shoes type characters though.  

I've always wanted to run something like this with TOEE, and I played in a couple sessions on G+ as a player in just such a campaign and it was a blast.  With that in mind, any interest?


  1. Another time I'm considering is alternating Friday nights, 9-12 EST.  Post or +1 if you might be interested.

  2. If I didn't have that adventure memorized front to back from running it so many times . . . I know, I know, you'll change it. But still.
    Maybe next giant module!

  3. The first couple sessions at least will be for new 1st level AD&D characters (if they have a couple hundred xp thats ok).  Though its flailsnails, if the Regulars (or those who think they might be regulars) would roll up new characters under the AD&D system that helps me as DM with less conversion, adjudicating, and/or nerfing weird shit from other campaigns.  :)
    You'd start out with no knowledge of the temple, river rats in Nulb just struggling to survive in every backhanded way imaginable, and have to play your cards right to work your way into knowledge of the temple.  More info coming, but you wouldn't be able to start out a clerics of Iuz or Zuggtmoy or any of the elemental evil gods for example.  That would blow a lot of the mystery. 
    To anyone interested, what days are best (if you haven't already stated above or elsewhere) ?

  4. First Game This Friday Feb 19, 9 pm EST (East Coast USA Time) for approximately three hours.  Going to be playing roughly two Fridays a month.   I setup a community for it. Let me know if you want an invite.  
    Here is the link to the community:
    Here is the link to the houserules:
