Monday, January 25, 2016

OD&D, now back in [electronic] print!

OD&D, now back in [electronic] print!

Originally shared by Rob Conley

Good news folks! It looks like the OD&D PDFs are doing to be dropped into RPGNow/DnDClassics by Wizards. My library just updated and I was able to download the cleaned up books from the collector's set.


  1. So, after searching the site for a bit... I finally gather that they aren't there yet.

  2. Jon Wilson I think its Tuesdays when they release stuff.

  3. Maybe they will even release Holmes basic.

  4. Thanks for the additional heads-up, Will. Haven't followed releases with any fervor (so far...).

  5. $9.99 for the original 3 volumes. That's essentially the same price ($10) the set sold for in 1974.

  6. Reference sheets have been added, though there is a comment in the reviews that they are "messed up".

  7. So weird that all the comments are circa 2008 from before they took the pdfs down. What's the deal on these? Are they any different from the commonly circulated ones that everyone has?

  8. Zach H It looks like they are scans of the ref sheets from the originals which I'm sure they will update. These scans, although they do have an "old world charm", are not messed up.

  9. When I bought these this AM, the refsheets were not in the download bundle. It looks like  they added the old PDF scan of the reference sheets just to get them in there, and will update them later.

  10. Will Tijerina They do seem to be out of order. The Monster Reference Table, for example, is split between pages 4 and 17.

  11. Zach H Ah yes, upon closer inspection, you are right.

  12. I wonder if it's set up for booklet printing as it almost looks that way.
