Sunday, November 29, 2015

Here's a draft of new reference sheet for Holmes Ref: a Character Creation Worksheet, which can also double as a...

Here's a draft of new reference sheet for Holmes Ref: a Character Creation Worksheet, which can also double as a character sheet.


  1. I might say "raise prime requisite if desired" rather than "if possible". After all, those extra languages might be worth more than a few percent extra XP.

  2. Michael Thomas Good point as you are not required to increase your prime. Though you can't lower Con. But a fighter, cleric or thief might (theorectially at least) to keep the extra languages from Int.

  3. I added another Note to the page in response to a comment on the blog. What's up with the numbers 1-12 by the equipment?
    Short answer: for more utility - allows for random rolling, and the numbers represent the Chainmail weapon classes. See the new Note for more details.

  4. In another comment it was noted that I left out Thieves' Backstab. I will add that.

  5. I wish your reference sheets had been available when I originally owned the Holmes D&D - I might have understood it!
