Monday, March 4, 2019

Drop-in Discos & Dragons to be run at Gary Con

Carl Heyl informs me that he will be running a drop-in Holmes Basic game all day on Saturday at Gary Con! Carl is a great DM, I played in his "Disco & Dragons" game last year at North Texas RPG Con.


  1. Ant clues where this will take place, its pretty big there.

  2. I asked him that very question, he replied: "I'll post updates once at the con via sod [Save or Die] and the garycon page"

  3. It's not scheduled, so I think he needs to grab an open table that day.

  4. Hmm, Well I hope its not in some out of the way corner people will never find it. Most folks won't be checks some website once in the building.

  5. Carl posted on FB he will be running this in the Loramoor room starting at 10 today
