Sunday, March 31, 2019

Places to find me after G+ vaporizes

This combines two somewhat duplicative posts I made on G+:

3/31/19 public post, which had no comments

Some places to find me after G+ vaporizes:

The Blog will continue of course:

Facebook Profile (as Arch Zenopus): Facebook Holmes Basic Group:

Click the three dots to the right to expand this and see more:

MeWe Profile:
MeWe Holmes Basic Group:

OD&D Discussion Forum: (must join to see all subforums including Holmes Basic, but I am a mod & can approve you. Email me at zenopusarchives at

Knights & Knaves Alehouse forum
Dragonsfoot forum
Acaeum forum

3/21/19 post to the Holmes Basic G+ group, the comments below were made to this post:

G+ vaporizes on Apr 2. Thank you all for joining and participating in this community. When I started it in 2012, not long after they created Communities, I had no idea if there would be enough interest to keep it alive. Happily it turned out there was. I'm going to miss it. I will be archiving many of the posts as a second blogger blog, and I will of course keep blogging, but I tend to save posts there for more extensive writings, versus here where feel more comfortable posting quick links to news or pics or ideas or discussion topics.

Options to continue our conversations include:

The Holmes Basic MeWe group:
I don't entirely like MeWe, but it's most like G+ in format. I will probably start using it more once this group is completely gone.

The Holmes Basic Facebook group:
When I post there, I get some likes but not too much conversation. It was started by someone other than myself, and while I was added me as a moderator, I don't feel as comfortable as I do here posting stuff that is of more general nature (like my Conan comics earlier today).

Zenopus Archives twitter account:
I've been using this a bit more lately, but obviously it's not a centralized location where anyone can leave comments.

I've signed up for Reddit and Discord but I find the formats too alien.


  1. Have you thought about a channel?

  2. No, I know nothing about it. I'll take a look.

  3. Thanks for everything you've done. Looking forward to continuing the community on FB and MeWe. I know the vibe feels a bit different but hopefully it will start to feel more like "home".

  4. Jonathan Ball Stephen Newton You're both welcome & thank you for the kind words.

  5. This post is now pinned here until G+ ends (first pinned post ever in this community!)

  6. Thanks Zach!---you've run a great community, and helped spread the Holmesian word so well! :D
