Sunday, April 22, 2018

RPG ads in comic books from 1987

Pete Segreti wrote:

Pruning through some old comic books somebody donated to to my church, found these in a GI Joe comic from ‘87


  1. Man, when those Robotech ads first was such a huge deal to us (seventh grade that year).

  2. I'm currently watching the Robotech series for the first time, along my 10-yo.

  3. That's cool and all, but I took my plus back because I don't see a Holmes-related thing...

  4. These ads, along with Rifts ones from rpughly the same era, are what first made me want to role play.

  5. Claytonian JP what will I do without it🤔

  6. Claytonian JP It's fine with me. It's RPG, it's old, and we are a low traffic group. As long as someone is not spamming a bunch of groups I don't mind a general interest post

  7. Klint Finley Things like this remind me of when I first got into RPGs, when all of the information you received on product lines was intermittent, via unrelated print media and word of mouth. Not saying that situation was better or worse than today's internet age, but it was different.
