Friday, April 20, 2018

Cool blog post I stumbled upon whilst noodling about working on some sample dungeon stuff.

Cool blog post I stumbled upon whilst noodling about working on some sample dungeon stuff. Looks like it is still active too. Mad props!


  1. Still one of my favorite adventures of all time.. and one I've had the pleasure of reconnecting with in the last year - have run it four times at three different conventions, and every time's been a different and awesome game as a result of some great players : )

  2. You can play boggle with the map: BEG, FEED, NADS, PEG, BED

  3. Not gonna knock the Zenopus dungeon, because I agree it's great. But in Mentzer's defense, those of us that started with it also got the two solo dungeons in the Players Book, and at least for me they were more influential on my early dungeon designs.

  4. That blog is by Timrod. Not sure if he is on G+. He's also written a lot of great posts about the DMG Sample Dungeon.
