Wednesday, October 12, 2016

For fun, today's blog entry has "Basic Stats" as well as the usual stuff.

For fun, today's blog entry has "Basic Stats" as well as the usual stuff. So if you need any Undead Lizardmen for a Halloween game, or a normal game, or a not-normal game, here you go.


  1. I love this drawing, it is so cute. Your lizard man looks like he may not be undead though, just unwell.

  2. Love the drawing AND the undead lizard men! Spooky...

  3. Great art & interesting interpretation of that pic. Somewhere in my notes I started a write-up of him as a Regal Lizard Man, based on the Regal Horned Toad of the American SW. Can shoot blood out of the eyes in defense!

  4. Shooting blood out of one's eyes is a great power!

  5. Zach, you've given me an idea... I'll have a new post for this group within 24 hours...

  6. I've been a fan of undead lizard men since I2. Thanks!
    ; )

  7. I2 was the first module I owned and still one of my favorite party-killers. I still have a collection of characters sheets from those who didn't survive the tomb.

  8. I wonder where, how or to whom, one would go to discuss I.P. details and pitch/ submission ideas, regarding an homage and variant, plug-n-play sequel for 'Port Town(e)' and the storied 'Tower of Zenopus'.
    What exactly is the status of "the Blue-Book" and it's literary contents?

  9. Robert Fairbanks The Zenopus Sample Dungeon is part of the Holmes D&D Rulebook ("Blue Book"), the copyright of which is still owned by WOTC. If you want to make a commercial sequel (for sale), I would suggest making it compatible but "generic" (i.e., not specifically naming Zenopus, Portown or Lemunda).
