Friday, May 20, 2016

New Reference Sheet is up! This one covers MU Spells Levels 1-3.

New Reference Sheet is up! This one covers MU Spells Levels 1-3.


  1. Nice! :)
    I get a 404 when trying to download the page. (That said I'm on my phone on the bus, it might just be the connection.)

  2. Fixed, I think. Thanks all. There's also a link on the Holmes Ref page if the blog link doesn't work.

  3. I forgot to mention that you can also use the list as your PC's or NPC's spellbook. Just mark spells known for each level.

  4. Can't wait until the cleric spells are done. Between this and the other ref sheets you've done, we should have the entire book summarised down to 10 pages eventually :D

  5. Thanks Roxy. I do have a Cleric sheet in progress! I was working on it last week, and then went back and finished the MU sheet. I'd like to get it done before NTX though not sure if I'll find the time.
