Sunday, May 22, 2016

I'm not signed up to run a game at #ntrpgcon and I have a fairly tight schedule of games to play in, but I'm going...

I'm not signed up to run a game at #ntrpgcon and I have a fairly tight schedule of games to play in, but I'm going to bring Holmes' other Sample Dungeon - the "Dungeon of Arzaz" from his 1981 book, in case I get a chance to run a pick-up Holmes game.


  1. That would be awesome. Color me interested in playing that!

  2. Appears the Dungeon of Arzaz was PDF'd in this forum thread, but sadly I'm not a registered member and am unable to download it : /

  3. Out of curiosity, are the two maps posted in this old Grognardia blog post the ones from the Arzaz dungeon?

  4. Andy C The second map is for Arzaz. The other is a stand-alone example, not described further than the map itself. On ODD74 we named it "Halls of the Lizard King". I started a thread for filling it in a few years but didn't get too far. Recently  aldarron filled in the rest of it.

  5. I've put greyharp's Dungeon of Arzaz pdf up on Google Drive. Of course don't read it if you might want to play thru at NTX or somewhere else. Note that the stats in it are not written for D&D, but rather Holmes' own introductory system that appears in the same chapter of his book. Greyharp didn't include this system in the pdf.

  6. Jon Wilson Yes, that's correct. One chapter is an introductory RPG system along with the dungeon to play using it. His system is interesting (lots of Feats based on 3d6 ability checks) but if I run it I will adapt it to Holmes Basic.

  7. If I can ever convince the guys I played Holmes with back in the very late 70s to have a reunion game, that'd be a great source for a "Holmesian' dungeon!

    I have that book around here somewhere... ~gets distracted along the way by old comics~

  8. When I was working on my own Holmes' house rules (Levels Beyond Basic) I was going to create a monster manual called "Hordes & Hoards" that had Holmes' Other Game's monsters, plus many that were in the wandering monster tables, but not in the rule book at all.

    Unfortunately, this idea has been on the back-burner for quite a while now. :/
