Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Love letter to a classic module...


  1. It was my first module as well (got it with the French translation of Moldvay in 83). I rediscovered it a few years back and used the Keep as a base for 5E playtests, and then for a Dungeon World campaign. I'm running it again now with my OSR hack. Best 50 francs my mom ever spent on me! :)

  2. Really this is the module that started my affair with D&D, the writing and art style made a lasting impression on my idea of 'what is D&D.'

  3. Despite (or perhaps because of) the slightly awkward poses, odd perspective, and pastel, impressionist scenery, this image never fails to rekindle the wonder and excitement that I felt when first meeting D&D

  4. Have never played this module, despite wanting to for a long time... My Basic box came with B1 In Search Of The Unknown.

    But I totally understand the Love.

    (Art Note: More Fauvist and Impressionist.)
