Sunday, April 17, 2016

Having just finished running my Holmes/OD&D group through the original "Lost Caverns of Tsojconth" I felt compelled...

Having just finished running my Holmes/OD&D group through the original "Lost Caverns of Tsojconth" I felt compelled to make this classic more accessible.  Click on the link for a 16-page version of the Lost Caverns in the style of B1 "In Search of the Unknown"

This would serve as a great adventure for 6-8 PCs of levels 3-7.  All you need is a copy of your D&D rulebook edited by Holmes, as I have included sections describing new monsters and treasures (including the rules for intelligent swords from Greyhawk).

I borrowed text from the AD&D version to flesh out some of the room descriptions.  I also felt the need to come up with some wandering monster tables, but feel free to modify to suit your individual campaign.  Enjoy!


  1. Thanks - it was fun coming up with the rumor table.  I snuck in some references to the AD&D version as "false" rumors.  I think the Lost Caverns would fit perfectly into the Cave of the Unknown for an "all Gygax" B2 campaign.

  2. Very cool! Love the new creatures with Holmes-style stat blocks. That said, this one'd definitely be a party killer if you top out your Holmes campaign at 3rd level..

  3. Perhaps, but with enough party savvy and a few choice magic items a DM has control over which monsters to stock and where.  I've run "Chapel of Silence" by Mollie Plants for a 3rd level party, which has trolls, a cockatrice, and a vampire as the boss encounter and they did surprisingly well.  I also ran "Isle of Dread" for a 3rd level party, and it has dinosaurs!

    Anyway "Lost Caverns" should probably retain it's reputation as a party-killer dungeon...
