Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Something amazing at Gary Con this year, courtesy The Collector's Trove (Paul Stormberg): "a recent discovery by The...

Something amazing at Gary Con this year, courtesy The Collector's Trove (Paul Stormberg): "a recent discovery by The Collector’s Trove has found TSR’s first published adventure by Gary Gygax, of which, only a score or so were printed and handed-out at GenCon VIII in 1975! Used to demonstrate TSR’s new game, Dungeons & Dragons, the adventure is the fully fleshed-out first-level of Greyhawk Castle! Special sessions of this Dungeons & Dragons adventure will be run at 330 Center St. in the same kitchen where Gary introduced Dungeons & Dragons and Greyhawk Castle to his son and daughter Ernie and Elise over 40 years ago. Could there be a more amazing way to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons?"