Saturday, March 16, 2013

In OD&D creatures like gargoyles, werewolves and elementals are damaged by “magical” weapons.

In OD&D creatures like gargoyles, werewolves and elementals are damaged by “magical” weapons. It is not specified that these items must be +1 etc. This could be interpreted as allowing these creatures to be damaged by a sword -1, -2 etc. If so, a sword -1 could be very useful in certain combats if other magic items are not available.

A comment that I left here:


  1. In my youth as a B/X DM I always allowed cursed weapons to hit creatures that were vulnerable to magical weapons. Never occurred to me that they should work differently.

  2. AD&D generally specifies it as "+1 or better weapon to hit", excluding cursed items, so that's a common interpretation to bring to other editions.

  3. Yes, that was another thing that made AD&D seem too alien to me to be able to get into. I bypassed it completely. Now, on the subject of magic weapons - how about kicking a wereshark to death with elven boots? ;-)
