Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A post from last year which just got a new comment from Paul Allan Ballard:

A post from last year which just got a new comment from Paul Allan Ballard:

"I had always assumed that lizard people (the one in your banner and on the Holmes introduction page) lived in the ruins of the Domed City. I wonder if I got that idea from the Marvel Comic? Interesting....

Of course I also had a giant electric crab (Think electric eel) in the 7th Level sea. I doubt that was in Howard's work."



  1. My vision of the Great Stone Skull was based on the Phanthom's Skull Cave. Different comic reading habits in my youth, I guess. I bet there were some 80's kids who associate it with He-Man!

  2. I didn't know about The Phantom's cave. There are a lot of Skull Caves/Mountains/Islands out there!

  3. I should add that one reason I originally came across de Camp's Conan story is because it uses the exact same terminology, "Great Stone Skull", as in the Basic rulebook illustration.
