Saturday, November 26, 2016

Had a wonderful time taking my 3 youngest kids and their cousin through the sample dungeon tonight.

Had a wonderful time taking my 3 youngest kids and their cousin through the sample dungeon tonight. Jeweled dagger in the catacombs killed off a character and it was awesome how well they reacted.


  1. These were 2 girls 10, 8 (mine) and 2 boys 8(nephew), and 3 (my son helped with the monsters and with overall enthusiasm)

  2. Nice! My girls are 5 and 3 and I want to throw some stuff at them soon. Very simplified of course.

  3. David Pidgeon dagger is a nice slimmed down version to start with

  4. Because I'm not sure, what's the adventure and where can I find it please?

  5. David Pidgeon It's the same dungeon in the Holmes Basic Set.

  6. Even though I'm a member of this community, I'm not really familiar with it. Just another facet of my vague OSR interests

  7. David Pidgeon WOTC has the Holmes Sample Dungeon as a free pdf. See sidebar in this community for the link. The Dagger RPG can be found here:

  8. The Lego Heroica games are also great for introducing 5 yr old's to simple fantasy gaming, though they are out of print and starting to get scarcer now. The classic Dungeon boardgame is another, brought back in a new skin (but original rules) by WOTC a few years ago.

  9. Zach H I have used the Lego heroica sets with the kids and they are fun. This time around they were so animated, they were getting up and acting out their actions after rolling the dice so I didn't need as much table dressing to keep their attention . We did use the character worksheets though, Zach, thanks! :D
