Sunday, October 25, 2015

Holmesians, particularly ones who are fans of Clark Ashton Smith, may enjoy this new OSR Compatible module.

Holmesians, particularly ones who are fans of Clark Ashton Smith, may enjoy this new OSR Compatible module. The stat block even includes Dexterity scores for all monsters!


  1. Dex scores in stat blocks? This is a growing trend for Holmes compatible modules! :-)

  2. Robert Weber once I read my copy of KotB from Holmes with the Dexterity scores right there, I never understood why more modules don't add it.

  3. Nice. "The Door Into Saturn" is a great story! The Dex stat could be used by other editions as a Initiative bonus; i.e., DX 16 = + 2 to initiative in B/X; etc.

  4. I'm working on a compilation of monsters with arbitrarily assigned Dexterity scores for each entry. :-)
