Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Title Page from (withdrawn) Holmes Basic PDF

Todd Mountjoy wrote:

Zac (and others interested)

This is the snapshot title page from the PDF which Wizards used to sell on


  1. Thanks, Todd. So I was misremembering! The common pdf on the internet is a 2nd printing (Lizard Logo, Jan 1978) made by persons unknown, but the official WOTC pdf was the 2nd edition (Wizard Logo, Nov 1978). I wasn't tracking this kind of information when the official pdf was available. The 2nd edition deletes Nixie and adds a bunch of other low hit dice monsters (Spiders, Gnolls, Fire Beetles) from the Monster Manual. I find the pdf of the 2nd print to be a very useful supplement to my print copies - for text searching. Todd, is that 2nd edition pdf text-searchable?

  2. I hope that Wizards of the Co$t re-released their .pdfs to again, as I would snap up the Holmes edition in a heartbeat!

  3. Nick Mayhew Agreed. I would buy one, too, to reward them for the effort.

  4. Definitely. Especially if it's a cleaned-up PD, more especially if it's of an edition I haven't got, and especially especially if it's the UK edition with the Fangorn art!
