Saturday, January 26, 2013

From the Dispatches From Kickassistan blog:

From the Dispatches From Kickassistan blog:


  1. Excellent, excellent thoughts on Blueholme... I'm finding myself feeling as giddy ready through the Blue as I did when I first cracked open my Holmes box back in 8th grade. The only thing missing are the Harpies' Boobies that my mom made me cover with penciled in bikini tops...

    I love the way Blueholme is organized, the fact that it is low-levelled, and has just enough to create the worlds I would like to explore...

    Several years ago I attempted to do the same thing as Dreamscape Design, calling my experiment "HolmesBrew" but my efforts now look amateurish and crude. Many thanks to Dreamscape Design and "yes" I would also pay for such quality work (gladly pay)...

  2. I'm working on the Compleat Rules as we speak. Well I will be when I get off the internet. Compleat will cover levels 1 through 14, because I prefer a single tome. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to charge a bit for this one, but I hope it won't break anyone's bank. There will be original art this time around, including re-imaginings of the originals - so there may well be boobies where artistically appropriate ...

  3. Any thoughts on Print-On-Demand options? I'm excited to get a copy of BLUEHOLME in my grubby mitts.

  4. PoD will definitely happen, but I want to give everyone plenty of time to winkle out any errata from the PDF first. I don't want anyone spending their hard-earned cp on a dead tree version until I'm as sure as I can be that it doesn't have any problems. Also, I probably won't make Prentice PoD until Compleat is also available - because, if you have Compleat you won't need Prentice.

    By the way, there will also be a player's version of Compleat, which will contain all the rules needed to play, but without the monsters, treasure, and other stuff that only the refere needs to know. These will be the Jouneyman Rules.

  5. A very wise idea. Too many publishers rush to print. Goblinoid Games and their 2e of Starships & Spacemen come to mind. Too many errors to have been printed.

  6. Dreamscape Design it is a very pretty pdf, showed it to some players and they liked it alot
