Sunday, September 20, 2015

Something I missed back in the day: A 1983 PBS version of David Macaulay's 1978 book Castle, mix of documentary and...

Something I missed back in the day: A 1983 PBS version of David Macaulay's 1978 book Castle, mix of documentary and animation.

Originally shared by Eric Hoffman

I was talking with my daughter about History class last night and she asked me what was my favorite thing I learned when I was in school.  I thought about it and remembered this little gem (and the book by the same guy in my school library) when I was in about 3rd grade or so.  If you haven't watched this special before, or read the book, give it a look.  It is a shame they don't make educational shows this cool any more.

We watched some of the show afterward and it got me thinking about a campaign idea.  The players are all part of a Lords retinue (Castellan, Captain of the Guard, Knight, Advisor, Huntsman, etc.) and the Lord is charged with building a Castle in a hostile land.  The Lord can be a player character or an NPC. The players will have to decide where to build the castle, obtain resources to keep on schedule, repel attacks by the indigenous people, explore the countryside, discover ruins and maybe a major over arching plot involving ancient evil to boot.

If the setting gets stale the King can always demand the Lord provide troops for an overseas military campaign to mix things up for a few sessions.


  1. Ooooo, I remember this. Thanks for jolting my memory banks. Isn't there an animation of how a castle's privy works?

  2. Love that book - thanks for sharing this, Zach H, I've never seen it before.

  3. Remember seeing this one too - great show!

  4. I never saw the PBS show, but I have the book. The campaign idea presented is just like I imagine high level play to be like, although mid level characters could easily be assigned middling titles like Castellan, and the like.

  5. Another great book of his is Underground, one of my favorites as a kid. While modern, it's great for getting a feel of what is beneath the streets in a big city.
    Some of the inside pages can be viewed here:

  6. Tony Rowe  Why yes, there is a scene of the garderobe. We are graced with the view  of a man dropping trou and presenting his fanny and balls to the screen. We are then directed to massive pile of poop at the base of the tower. I miss 80's PBS. Around minute 20 for the inquiring minds.

  7. There are a number of castle sim video games like Eric Hoffman's idea, one is called  Stronghold for the interested.

  8. I have 3 of the books in the series, Castle, Pyramid and Cathedral.  I almost think I remember a Pyramid show too, but I might be mistaken.

  9. Kurt Roesener You're right, there's listing in IMDB for a 1988 Pyarmid doc by PBS:

  10. Zach H Very Cool, I hope it's on YT too!

  11. I just clicked on his name  on IMDB and there are other Documentaries about those other ones too!!  NEED to find them!!

  12. Oh, and look, there's a 2013 edition of the book in colour! Ordered!
