Wednesday, September 2, 2015

An easter egg in the I1 Dwellers of the Forbbiden City map.

An easter egg in the I1 Dwellers of the Forbbiden City map. Further Adventure #2 in the back of the module may relate: "As part of their plan to regain power, the yuan ti have revived the worship of a vile and loathsome creature from another plane. In one of the larger temple buildings of the city, the yuan ti have succeeded in opening a small gate to the creature’s plane."

Originally shared by Dyson Logos

I only noticed this because the cartographer from Dwellers of the Forbidden City (Steve Sullivan) asked if I had found it already which started me looking...

there is a Temple of Cthulhu in the Forbidden City. :)


  1. Whaat? I love this adventure. Can't believe I didn't see that.

  2. I'll be damned.. I've looked over that map a hundred times and didn't see it. Great find! Also interesting that Steve Sullivan was the cartographer - I always assumed it was a DCS map as the style was similar to DCS's other maps.

  3. Actually, now that I think of it with the tropical setting I'd think Tsathoggua would be all over this place. May just make it so for my own Forbidden City : )

  4. Ha! I always thought those were demon skull statues!

  5. Peter V. Dell'Orto​ I thought this might be of interest

  6. Denis McCarthy
    Thanks. I saw that post. And noticed the template a while back. I almost ran this as my very first DF setting! :)
