Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Noble Knight is having their Spring sale & has The Maze of Peril, Holmes' 1986 D&D novel featuring the adventures of...

Noble Knight is having their Spring sale & has The Maze of Peril, Holmes' 1986 D&D novel featuring the adventures of Boinger the Halfling & Zereth the Elf, in stock for $8.96 plus shipping.


  1. I had no idea this existed. It sounds awesome!

    I don't know if they have multiple copies, but I ordered one. Thanks!

  2. You're welcome. I just checked & they have 7 copies left now. These are from the original 1986 printing. NK has been buying them from the publisher who still has them in stock.

  3. I got mine thanks to an earlier post of Zach H and I very much enjoyed reading about those darn weresharks... :-)

  4. This book is great fun. I highly recommend it as an adventurous romp and a peek at what a game with Dr. J. E. Holmes might have been like.
