Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Palladium Weapon, Castle, & Armor Compendiums

Wayne's Book wrote:

Palladium Weapon, Castle, & Armor Compendiums

In the years before Palladium became -- for all intents and purposes -- The RIFTS Publishing Company, they released an interesting variety of RPG supplements. My favorites are the Weapon, Castle, & Armor Compendium series. Each book tackles a particular region and time. They are inexpensive, and contain great background material by Matthew Balent, with line drawings, floorplans, and sketches by Michael Gustovich, Michael Kucharski, Kevin Siembieda, Mary Walsh, and others. There have been numerous editions over the years.

1 comment:

  1. These were awesome, I still have a stash of them back in Germany.
