Tuesday, December 29, 2015

After all these decades, Holmes is still the default D&D system in my head.

After all these decades, Holmes is still the default D&D system in my head. Sometimes, this makes it difficult to figure out what other editions are talking about.

Originally shared by Joel Priddy

Holmes/AD&D/B/X: Spells Known
I often find rules in D&D that don’t work the way I expect them to, and blame my younger self for having been too lazy to learn the rules correctly back in the day. Turns out, I’m usually just remembering Holmes Basic. This came up recently, when a campaign...

1 comment:

  1. I'm still struggling with a concise explanation for this in BLUEHOLME™. Holmes doesn't say whether there is ever another chance to learn spells after the initial levelling-up that makes a particular level of spells available. 

    I rule that there is not - the MU gets as many runs through the list as needed to get the minimum, an that's it. The only chance to 'top-up' to the maximum after that is through creating new spells. This could include spells with only minor differences from standard ones, such as a fireball with greater damage but a smaller burst radius, for example. (By the way, I do allow original spells to be a little more powerful given their level, on the basis that they are optimised by and for their creator.)
