Thursday, September 18, 2014

These arrived in the mail yesterday: five ACE doubles with 6 of the first 7 Dumarest novels by E.C.

These arrived in the mail yesterday: five ACE doubles with 6 of the first 7 Dumarest novels by E.C. Tubb, one of the sources for Traveller (1977). I've been meaning to read them & then saw this lot in the Holmes auctions for a good price. In Holmes' FRPG book, one of the two examples of play is Traveller, and he mentions Tubb.


  1. Donald McKinney I started reading The Winds of Gath today, and on the fifth page or so we find out that Dumarest is a "traveler"! So far I'm loving it.

  2. I just finished The Winds of Gath (Dumarest #1). I could hardly put it down. His prose is a joy to read. Now to flip over the Ace Double and start reading #2, Derai.
