Sunday, August 24, 2014

My favorite game fiction - The Maze of Peril by Dr. John Eric Holmes

My favorite game fiction - The Maze of Peril by Dr. John Eric Holmes

Read my take on Boinger and Zereth, Holmes' home campaign and why paying the rent is better than saving the world. Also, I nitpick Ian Livingstone and discuss two of the earliest published game fiction novels.


  1. A big thanks to Zenopus, a.k.a. Zach H, whose library of Holmes information I referenced and linked to throughout the article.

  2. What a fantastic, in depth review. I like how you touch on the gameplay aspects as well as the story.

  3. Thanks, Jason Zavoda. It's good to see my fellow Trampier-fanatic back online.

  4. Great review, Tony Rowe. Along with Holmes's Fantasy Role Playing Games, MoP is a significant reference in my BLUEHOLME™ writing because of the insights it gives to Holmes's own gaming style.
